Thursday 29 June 2023

Sapiens InsurTech Crossword: 2023 July


Here's the crossword for July.

Try this crossword based on Insurtech words. 
Be the first to solve, and win the certificate!

Solve and send the screenshot to Sapiens University at LinkedIn by Friday, 28 July.

Your time starts now.

Note: Some of the clues have two parts, with two meanings of the clue. For example: "A list on the desk" has two clues: A list on the desk - and a word which means both "A list" and "the desk" is TABLE. Another example: "Guidelines in the insurance contract" has two clues: Guidelines in the insurance contract - and a word which means both "Guidelines" and "the insurance contract" is POLICY. For more information and examples, look at this helpful page.

To simplify the focus, all the solutions in this Crossword are insurance or technology terms!


Sunday 4 June 2023

Sapiens InsurTech Crossword: 2023 June

Here's the crossword for June.

Try this crossword based on Insurtech words. 
Be the first to solve, and win the certificate!

Solve and send the screenshot to Sapiens University at LinkedIn by Friday, 30 June.

Your time starts now.

Note: Some of the clues have two parts, with two meanings of the clue. For example: "A list on the desk" has two clues: A list on the desk - and a word which means both "A list" and "the desk" is TABLE. Another example: "Guidelines in the insurance contract" has two clues: Guidelines in the insurance contract - and a word which means both "Guidelines" and "the insurance contract" is POLICY. For more information and examples, look at this helpful page.

To simplify the focus, all the solutions in this Crossword are insurance or technology terms!
